Serving the greater East Bay area

Mutual Benefit Association


 What is the Mutual Benefit Association (MBA)?

It all started in 1891, the NALC held its national convention in Detriot, Michigan, where the members in attendance voted the United States Letter Carriers Mutual Benefits Association into existence. The MBA was designed to offer Union members life and other kinds of insurance protections for themselves and their families.

Did you know all letter carriers who are either active, retired and city carrier assistants have a $5000 accidental death policy, free of charge to those who are in good standing with their local union? this benefit is brought to you by MBA! You can find more information about this free service for all members by following this link

The MBA also offers the following services to letter carriers;

CCA Retirement Savings Plan

  • This retirement savings plan is designed for CCAs to supplement your pension. You can make small contributions to the plan while your young so you can receive a lifetime of monthly payments after you retire!

  • You can choose the amount you want to contribute (minimum of $15 per pay period) and you can select your method of payment

    • MBA can deduct payments automatically from your paycheck or bill you monthly or annually.

  • The plan is tax-deferred, meaning you do not pay taxes on any of your interest until you draw on it, which improves yield.

  • Once you become regular, there is no surrender charge to transfer your retirement savings from MBA to TSP.

  • If you want to find out more about this plan or are interested in signing up follow the link below!

Hospital Plus

  • If your are hospitalized for illness or injury, the MBA can help with cash payments of $30, $50, $75, or $100 a day. These cash benefits start o the first day you are hospitalized and continued to for up to 365 days

    • This plan also lets you cover spouse and children

  • Cash benefits are paid directly to you and maybe used for any purpose. The whole purpose of this plan is to help meet potential financial burdens of accidents and illnesses.

This is just a taste of everything the MBA has to offer! There is also;

  • MBA Term Life Insurance

  • MBA Whole Life Insurance

  • Paid up in 20 Years MBA Whole Life Insurance

  • Paid Up at Age 65 MBA Whole Life Insurance

  • Independence-Single Payment Insurance

  • MBA Retirement Savings Plan

  • MBA Family Retirement Savings Plan

  • MBA Immediate Annuity

Follow the link below to be taken to the NALC MBA Website where you will find comprehensive brochures, videos, and applications for all of the insurances and savings plans the MBA has to offer.