Serving the greater East Bay area


NALC Branch 1111 Announcements and Updates

Pass the Postal Service Reform Act (HR 3076/ Senate 1720)

Brothers and Sisters,

We are asking for everyone’s help to push for House and Senate Cosponsors to the Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076 / S. 1720).   Please click on the NALC Action Take Action page link below, daily if at all possible, and get as many members to do likewise.   This legislation is finally moving forward after being stalled for decades and we need a strong unified push to get it through.   

Tell Your Representative and Senators to Pass the Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076/S. 1720)

The House and Senate now have identical, bipartisan bills (H.R. 3076 and S. 1720) aimed at bringing financial stability to the Postal Service. 


The Postal Service Reform Act advances key priorities for NALC, including: repealing the mandate to pre-fund retiree health; an appropriate integration into Medicare for postal employees; and language protecting six-day mail delivery permanently.


NALC strongly supports H.R. 3076 and S. 1702 and asks that you contact your Representatives and Senators now to ask them to cosponsor these important bills and work to expeditiously pass them on the House and Senate floors.


Please take a minute to click on the following link and send an email, letter, and make a phone call to your US Senators and local Congressional Representative.   Thank you in advance.


Branch 1111