Open season to sign up for health insurance is from November 12 through December 10th!
Brothers and sisters,
Don’t forget open season to sign up for health insurance is upon us! The enrollment period is from November 12, 2018 through December 10, 2018. If you are considering looking at other insurance options, we highly recommend the NALC Health Benefits Plan! Follow the link provided below to check out all the great services the NALC HBP has to offer letter carriers. There are 3 options to choose from to fit your needs. Please remember, you must currently be paying Union dues to your local branch, and be a member in good standing if you choose to sign up for the NALC Health Benefits Plan!
You can also log into the OPM website to compare health plans offer by the postal service and NALC. Follow the link below and these instructions;
On the right side of the page click on the QUICK LINK “Compare Health Plans”
Insert your zip code, hit enter. Then select the plans you wish to compare (up to four plans)
Choose an Employee Type such as “U.S. Postal Service or Annuitant”. Click next.
Choose pay frequency such as bi-weekly or monthly. the comparison will be shown on your screen.
If you have any further questions, you can contact your local NALC Health Insurance Officer Jacob Morgan at