Letter Carrier Political Fund Awareness Kick-Off
Three (3) cash prizes consisting of $100 each which will be given to a member via a live random drawing during the Branch meeting on January 2023. Here is how to enter:
· For those members who signs up to contribute every pay period to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, their names will be entered into a drawing.
· For those members who are currently donating and increases their contribution, their names will be entered into a drawing.
· For those members who are currently donating (including new members who recently signs up) and who signs up a new member to contribute to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, their names will be entered into a drawing. (For each member you sign up, you will get 1 entry; the more members you sign up the more chances you will get.)
· Each member can only win one (1) cash prize of $100.
· Proof of enrollment must be verified by Branch 1111 prior to the drawing.
What is the Letter Carrier Political Fund?
“The Letter Carrier Political Fund is a non-partisan political action committee (PAC) established for the purpose of electing qualified candidates who support letter carriers and who are committed to maintaining a strong and innovative U.S. Postal Service.”
“Each year, NALC fights to fend off attacks in Congress that threaten letter carriers’ collective-bargaining rights, retirement benefits and livelihood. We’ve been successful so far, and we want to continue helping to elect House and Senate candidates who will protect us, promote our issues and deliver our message to Washington.”
“Since union dues can’t be used to support candidates for political office, NALC relies 100 percent on member contributions to the LCPF, which in turn helps us support those on Capitol Hill who defend the issues that matter most to us. Our PAC brings together in Washington strong letter carrier advocates—from all political parties—who are dedicated to helping to defend a strong USPS that provides universal, innovative and affordable service.”
What the LCPF has done? The LCPF contributed to the efforts over the last 12 years that resulted in this bipartisan legislation, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (H.R. 3076), turn into law. This law repeals the pre-funding mandate and sets the Postal Service on a more sustainable and stable financial footing. This law also guarantees that the mail will continue to be delivered six days a week.
Further information can be found on the NALC’s website; https://www.nalc.org/government-affairs/legislative-activities and as follows in part:
As a member of the NALC, there are several easy ways to give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund:
1. Payroll deduction: Contribute automatically, using PostalEase (either online or by phone) to set up an allotment deduction from your USPS paycheck.
2. Direct bank withdrawal: You can authorize the fund to withdraw a monthly electronic contribution directly from your personal checking account
3. Annuity deduction: Retired letter carriers can elect to give monthly via an automatic deduction from your monthly annuity.
4. Family Member Contribution: How immediate family members of NALC members contribute to the Letter Carrier Political Fund using Electronic Fund Transfer or by making a One-Time contribution.
5. One-Time Letter Carrier Political Fund Contributions: This form should be used to identify names and members making one-time contributions.
Or you can call the Branch 1111 office at 510 237 5111 to help with you get started.
By making a contribution to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, you are doing so voluntarily with the understanding that your contribution is not a condition of membership in the National Association of Letter Carriers or of employment by the Postal Service, nor is it part of union dues. You have a right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. The Letter Carrier Political Fund will use the money it receives to contribute to candidates for federal office and undertake other political spending as permitted by law. Your selection shall remain in full force and effect until canceled. Contributions to the Letter Carrier Political Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits the Letter Carrier Political Fund from soliciting contributions from individuals who are not NALC members, executive and administrative staff or their families. Any contribution received from such an individual will be refunded to that contributor. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year. Any guideline amount is merely a suggestion, and an individual is free to contribute more or less than the guideline suggests and the union will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of his or her contribution or decision not to contribute.